In the autumn of 2011, health authorities had to withdraw more than 2,000 flu vaccines from use on Scottish patients as part of several reports on side-effects from a European-wide safety alert. Normal flu vaccines are cultivated in eggs, and Preflucel had been developed by Berkshire-based Baxter Healthcare to treat people with an egg allergy.
The alert had been raised in Germany where patients had reported side-effects, including headaches and nausea. While the authorities claim that these side-effects are normal when get with a flu vaccine, they found that more people were reporting these side-effects from this vaccine than is usual with the flu vaccine. There has been no investigation of why this batch of vaccines were causing more side-effects as normal, and if it could have been infected with other viruses, as this can happen.
If vaccines are safe, then why would they cause such side-effects?
To read more, contact the Scotsman newspaper, and ask for their edition of the 27th of October 2011.