New Addition to the Clerc Team

Thierry Clerc
Some of you may have already heard it, some of you may have noticed that I do not respond to emails very quickly. Our little girl has now about a month, and has definitely changed our life, and brought us a lot of experience.

The use of homeopathy to assist her for the occasional skin issues, and for the much more common tantrums, has been invaluable. Even myself, who has been practicing full time for now 10 years cannot stop wondering how quick a child respond to energy medicine. It is almost instant!

I will still be working part-time probably until November, so please be patient if you need to wait for an appointment or if I cannot answer your query quickly.

I wish you all the best at this very early (quiet) time of the night.


Thierry Clerc, MSc, MARH, RHom
Tel: 01223 655 300

For more information:
Clinical Nutritionist & Allergy Consultant
Metabolic Balance
Clinical Homeopath, Cambridge

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New Addition to the Clerc Team
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