Thierry Clerc is a regular contributor to the Health Forum. on Star Radio in Cambridge. Thierry Clerc practices clinical homeopathy and nutrition at his private practice in Cambridge. Along with other local health practitioners, he discusses and challenges common health perception for this radio programme. Thierry Clerc, MARH, RHom, MSc Registered Health Practitioner, Cambridge (UK) […]
June 12 – Bury St Edmunds – How to achieve optimal health with homeopathy and nutrition
The All Angels meeting group provide a monthly gathering to holistic practitioners around Bury St Edmunds. The aim of the evening is to provide an in-depth update on the latest findings on how the body work as an energetic and physical entity, and how nutrition and homeopathy can be used alongside other therapies to help […]
Apr. 12 – “Miracles of Health”, David Lloyd Centre, Cambridge
A presentation and “Questions & Answers” session about cardiovascular issues, and what can be done about them, using homeopathy and nutrition. Thierry Clerc, MARH, RHom, MSc Registered Health Practitioner, Cambridge (UK) Clinical Homeopathy, Bioresonance, Nutrition & Allergy
Mar 12 – Non Smoking Day (Fulbourn NHS Hospital)
The day will include a very practical open talk and also one-to-one sessions for patients and staff of the Fulbourn hospital. Check the Testimonials section to see how well it went 🙂 Thierry Clerc, MARH, RHom, MSc Registered Health Practitioner, Cambridge (UK) Clinical Homeopathy, Bioresonance, Nutrition & Allergy