Using homeopathy and the experience of a homeopath to deal with trauma

Thierry Clerc practices in Cambridge (UK) as a clinical homeopath and a nutritionist. He is a regular contributor of several national and international health magazines.

Physical issues and emotional problems can start after a major trauma, such as a divorce, the loss of a family member or a close friend, or even a job redundancy.

There is a lot to say about how we deal with such traumas in the Western World. One useful model to help people understand and deal with such experience is the five stages of grief developed by the Swiss Psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross was then working in the USA with terminally-ill patients.

Her model defined that when becoming close to death, or when seeing a close person dying, someone would go through the following stages: shock/denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. The model revolutionised how the U.S. medical field was taking care of the terminally ill.


While this is only a model, and not true to everyone all the time, Kübler-Ross’ experience primarily points about how to deal with emotions and acceptance. In practice, most people are not able to deal with their own emotions – either via suppression or by through an automatic behavioural pattern.


Homeopathy is extremely good to help people move towards their emotions, through a process of acceptance and transmutation.

I also provide one-to-one sessions to help understand oneself and also practice how to work with emotions. This is a very practical but non-intrusive approach, and it seems to help many of my clients.


The KüblerRoss model provides also an understanding that unlocking one emotion may let another emotion come in, and going through difficult experience can help us complete emotional growth.


In terms of homeopathy, someone stuck in shock/denial will respond very well to the following homeopathic remedies: Opium, Carcinosin or Natrum Muriaticum. Remedies such as Nux Vomica, Aurum or Staphisagria may also help with the anger. High potencies are often required.

If you are interested to know more on how homeopathy specifically can help, please check this interview on depression here.


With love,





Thierry Clerc, MARH, RHom, MSc
Registered Health Practitioner
Clinical Homeopathy, Bioresonance, Nutrition & Allergy

Using homeopathy and the experience of a homeopath to deal with trauma
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