Thierry has a lot of experience with children. Thierry manages the local Natural Childhood immunity group in Cambridge and is also involved with the UK-wide Arnica parents’ group. You will find some useful information on nutrition and childhood here. This document is not available online anymore. Please email me if your child is a patient […]
Other News
Homeopathy, a safe, cost-effective and effective approach for mass immunisation
Cuba has used homeopathy as an alternative to mass vaccination for many years, partly because of the cost of chemical vaccines was too great for the Cuban government. The choice of homeopathy was wise. Homeopathy’s fame was at its highest in the XIXth century as it was used as the first medicine of choice in […]
Heartburn drugs can severely damage your kidneys – how can homeopathy, nutrition and supplements help?
If you or one of your friends are on a type of drugs called “proton pump inhibitors“, then you’d better read or forward this newsletter. This type of drugs includes omeprazole, lansoprazole, pantoprazole, esomeprazole and rabeprazole and their use may be re-classified after new scientific research widely reported in the media showed that they may […]
Using Bach Flowers at home
Bach Flowers are easily available in the UK, and are usually very well tolerated for kids. Bach Flowers work very well and are simple to use to help with minor emotional blocks or acute traumatic events. Bach Flowers for Children and at Home This document can help you find the right flower essences. Do not […]
Why homeopathy is a great choice for children in the long run!
This is an article about homeopathy for children. It explains why this approach can help a child blossom with a healthier foundation and more balance immune system. I have practiced for over 10 years now and I am lucky to see patients who came as young toddlers grown into children, or children becoming close […]